
Looking to adopt....

Totally out of the blue...  the desire to adopt these girls pops into my head.  Yet another little one that seems impossible to find... a Lati White SP TAN Belle.  Any... custom face, factory face...

I can pay well and I can trade my Volks dolls.  I have YOSD 1st edition Suzuna, Yuki on a girl body with a wonderful custom face up by Parannoiadoll.  I'd trade my MSD fcs 04-06-16....
I also have a few 'old neglected' Blythes I could trade; Fruit Punch, Love Mission, Rosebud, V-Smash custom.
In need of 16MM Zoukeimura eyes?! I have two pair available...

I also would like to adopt a Lati White Belle... Basic.  No clue where that comes from... I'm aware those little critters are almost impossible to dress nicely, it seems no one is making pretty, good quality clothes for Basics, but I feel I could use one in my doll family.  So... if you are thinking of rehoming your little one... please let me know.  Again... any... BUT at a reasonable price please, otherwise I'll wait for Latidoll to re-release them.

Thank you so much for looking! :)



  1. la Lati white sp est elle toujours a vendre et a combien ???

    ( price for Lati white ) sorry no speak english...
    thank you.

  2. Je n'ai pas une a vendre, c'est moi qui cherche une Tan White Belle ;-)

  3. oups désolée... pas fameux les traducteurs... mdr.
