
Look what happened.

You adopt a Pong, because you need a tad of happiness as a balance for all the grumpyness in your doll family.  You close your eyes for JUST a moment... and... look what happens. She invites her friends!!!!

BonBon(ChocoPuki Piki), Missy(Puki Lily) OmNom(Puki Pong) and Kizzy(sleeping Lily)

While I was taking this picture, my postman delivered another one, YAY!  This time I ordered directly from Fairyland on october 22nd, and she's already here.  Now I have to find someone to paint her and her sleeping face. :)

The pain is a little less, but still there.  I tried to sew a little but as I also suffer from CTS, I couldn't hold the needle, it's just too thin to hold. But I made a few Baldie Helmets, I can handle an ergonomic crochet hook for about 10 minutes.  Better than nothing!



  1. Such a great bunch of Pukis!
    I'm sorry to hear that you're still in pain Ona, but hope that it will all be sorted out soon!

  2. Thanks Sharon, you are so nice!

  3. Awww they are all so precious but that little one sleeping just melts my heart! :o)
