
Doll Diet.

Oh dear my, I was supposed to be on a six month doll diet and I just sold an arm and a leg to get....

I'm going nuts, I don't even like tan... but but but... this isn't tan, no it isn't... it's CHOCO skin. 

No kidding, I'm totally not into tan...of course there's MiuMiu, she's a Muculdoll Buu and I absolutely adore her, but she's also a 'chocoskin'.  BIG difference.... B I G difference... and if I chant this long enough I'm starting to believe it. 

Anyhooooooo.... this little one is coming home and I hope her little Fairyland Family, OmNom and Perlita are going to love her too. 

I'm crazy. 

1 comment:

  1. You'll love her Ona! No, she's not tan at all, as you say she is choco....choco being chocolate and lets face it, who in their right mind could turn down CHOCOLATE!! So you really did the right thing in adopting her!
